Tuesday, June 7, 2011

CCS Relay for Life ~ Edmonton 2011

This Relay means a lot to me, in many different ways than others. My Great Grandmother had breast cancer back in the '70's, and she had an mastectomy and never had to worry about it until she was in her 80's. Seeing her in so much pain was almost too much for me to handle, as I was only 17, but the reality of it I learned how nasty cancer was. I lost my great grandmother to lymphoma when I was in high school and it broke my heart, I miss her every day. I miss her house, the smell of her perfume, the sound of her making breakfast in the morning and her laughter when my dad made a dumb joke. I Relay in memory of her. I love you, GG. I also relay in honour of my grandma, Irene for kicking cancer with just surgery and in memory if my husband, Steve's grandma, who had cancer but was too fragile for any sort of treatment and passed away on November 2, 2008.

I was running late this year, I made it just in time for the Bagpipes and the Luminary ceremony. I was out taking pictures and this gentalman caught my eye. I am not too sure who's luminary he was lighting, but he was very teary eyed and I felt like I was intruding on a very private moment. As I was taking this picture, he glanced up at me and right away I thought it was going to be angry, but he gave me a little smile and nod, I bawled. (Hope didn't help the situation when I got back to the tent!! :)

Some time before the Relay, well more like a few months ago, my Grandpa ended up in the hospital. His prostate was working at all, he could not use the bathroom, and my immediate thought was cancer. They did not run any tests (not that anyone has told me anyways) to find out if it is cancer. I am really not too sure how I feel about this, but I guess in the long run, because he is older (almost 82) the tests would be too hard on his body. I F'ING hate CANCER!! My grandpa is like Superman to me, he can't have it, and he WILL NOT die because of it!!

I took the above picture of a friend (I got down on the wen ground to get a good shot!!), her dad was diagnosted with prostate cancer in December and is currently undergoing radiation to get rid of this cancer. This was her second year at the Leduc Relay for Life, and she is a powerhouse!! She spoke at the Luminary ceremony and made everyone on "Team Hope" and her surprise guests have a good cry. We love you Christine, and are here when/if you need us!! I wish I could take away the pain you and your family are feeling but all I can do is support you in your goal to make cancer HISTORY!

When I relay, it isn't just for me, and for my family members that have/had been touched by cancer (most of my great grandparents passed away from it, a few being breat cancer and lung cancer), but for everyone who is going through surgery, or treatments or on any medications. We will beat this.



  1. When I was born, three out of four of my grandparents had been gone for many years. My Mom's Mom was alive and kicking though. She was the only grandparent I knew. We called her Nana. Even worse than seeing her in her casket was watching her die from cancer. I was 11 when she died. Because I was so young, my parents allowed me to see her once while she was in her coma. It was hard to see that and have no way to help. I suppose her death could have been prevented; her chain smoking provided the perfect place in her lungs for cancer to grow. Twenty-two years later, I barely remember my Nana. But I thank her for helping me learn how precious life is.

  2. Your post made me tear up! Thank you for supporting our team, for coming out to the Leduc Relay, and for your kind words. I appreciate it so much. And the song you tagged me in not long ago...I listen to it often. Thank you! Christine
